Department of Algebra and Number Theory

Postal address:1518 Budapest, Pf.120
Address:1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Administrator:Klaudia Szalay
Phone:(+36 1) 3722500/8102
Fax:(+36 1) 381-21-74
Web page:


Gergely Zábrádiassociate professor
István Ágostonassociate professor
Péter Ernő Frenkelassociate professor habil.
Katalin Gyarmatiassociate professor habil.
Zoltán Halasiassistant professor
Gyula Károlyifull professor
Emil Kissfull professor
Péter Pál Pálfyfull professor
Gábor Somlaiassistant prof
Csaba Szabófull professor

Former faculty

Róbert Freudretired associate professor
Péter Hermannretired associate professor
József Pelikánretired assistant
András Sárközyemeritus professor
Mihály Szalayretired associate professor