Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics

Postal address:1518 Budapest, Pf.120
Address:1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
Administrator:Annamária Nagy
Phone:(+36 1) 381 2157, (+36 1) 3722500/8057
Fax:(+36 1) 381-21-58
Web page:


Petra Csomósassociate professor
István Faragóprofessor emeritus
Imre Feketeassistant professor
Ágnes Havasiassociate professor habil.
Ferenc Izsákassociate professor habil.
János Karátsonfull professor
Ágnes Kovácsmaster assistant
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács
András Sándor Molnár
Tamás Pfeilassistant professor
Eszter Sikolyaassistant professor
Péter Simonfull professor
Zsigmond Tarcsayassociate professor habil.
Éva Valkómaster assistant

Former faculty

András Bátkaiassociate professor
Ádám Besenyeiassociate professor
István Mezei
Noémi Nagyassistant professor
Zoltán Sebestyénemeritus professor
László Simonemeritus professor